Linkyu's blog


Last modified: May 29, 2024, 6:52 p.m.

Privacy Policy

I could bore you with a looong privacy policy with sections such as "Collecting and Using Your Personal Data" and "other legal requirements", but man c'mon. This is a personal blog. What do you think I'm doing here?
Here's what I collect and what I do with it:
  • Your usage data, aka your IP and browser stuff, because that's how websites work. The only thing I really use is your browser resolution, so I can display the website responsively.
  • Your email, if you create an account. I use it for 2 things:
    • Sending you a password reset link if you request one
    • Sending you an email notification when a new post is published, if you have subscribed to the corresponding category.

That's it.

No third-party cookies, no tracking web beacon, none of that shit. 



If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact me by email here: